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Your kid is going to have a phone one day.

Many families are waiting until 13, 14 or 16 to introduce phones for their kids. Every child and family is different, but whether you start at age 10 or 16, there is a learning curve. You wouldn't hand your car keys to a child just because they turned 16!

We help parents navigate the journey from getting a first phone through mastery of technology so that kids develop a healthy relationship with their phone from the start.

The solution loved by parents and kids

What Kids Love

Text double icon purple small

Call and text friends and parents

Kids can communicate with anyone on the Safelist, including texting images if..
Apps icon purple small

Use popular apps for music, education and fun

The Pinwheel App Library includes more than 1,200 popular music streaming apps..
Independence icon purple small

Enjoy independence to go meet friends and other activities

Kids can find their way with apps like Google maps, and easily call for help if..

What Parents Love

Safelist phone lock icon red very small

Block unapproved contacts and monitor texts remotely

Block 100% of spam and stranger communication with the Contact Safelist. Only..
Clock icon red small

Choose apps and set schedules for availability

Create custom schedules for contact and apps to help your child learn to manage..

Map icon red small

Locate your child and get alerts

See where you child is on the Caregiver Portal dashboard, and get alerts when..

Meet the leaders who make it happen

Dane Witbeck, CEO

Dane Witbeck

CEO & Co-Founder

Leslie Tyler, CMO

Leslie Tyler


Brian Bauman, VP Engineering

Brian Bauman

VP, Engineering

Sara Kempston, Operations Director

Sara Shipley

Director, Operations

Rubel Hasan, Lead Developer

Rubel Hasan

Lead Developer